“Please, Lord, let Your ear be
attentive to the prayer of Your servant and to that of Your servants who
delight to revere Your name. Give Your servant success today, and have
compassion on him in the presence of this man” [Nehemiah
1:11, HCSB].
I recently heard someone ask
a provoking question, “Should a Christian pray for his success?” Perhaps the
better question is this, when is it appropriate to pray for our success. Nehemiah’s
humility is obvious. He respected and revered the very name of God. Notice in
the verse above that Nehemiah boldly prayed for his success, but readily
acknowledged that he was a servant of God. He knew his place in the place of
kingdom work and he did not place too high a value on what he could do on his
own. Moreover, Nehemiah was very specific in what he was asking God to do and even
the timing of his request. He was asking God for success “today.” It is clear
that Nehemiah believed it was acceptable and even prudent to ask God for his
I believe Scripture teaches that a Christian is permitted and even obligated to
pray for his success, but it is crucial that the person asking God is humble in
his request. Clearly, Nehemiah was humble; and his request was not
self-centered. Success of God’s servants shows that God is working through His
servant. In First Samuel 18:14 we find that David “continued to be successful
in all his activities because the Lord was with Him” [HCSB]. Psalm 127:1
teaches us that “unless the Lord builds a house, its builders labor over it in
vain; unless the Lord watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain”
[HCSB]. You must understanding that the Triune God is your Master and we are
the servant. We must keep the relationship in God’s correct order. When we
think too much of ourselves and too little of God, we attempt to help God and
do the work ourselves, or even worse, we steal God’s glory. We will ultimately
fail when we work against the desire of the Master. We must keep the
relationship between God and ourselves in the correct order
Second, I believe Scripture
teaches that a Christian is permitted and even obligated to pray for his
success when his success is for the betterment of others and not self-serving.
When Nehemiah heard the report of his beloved Jerusalem, Scripture tells us
that he wept, mourned, fasted, and prayed [Nehemiah 1:1-5]. As Nehemiah fasted
and prayed, God told Nehemiah that he would rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and
that He would use him, Nehemiah, to accomplish this task. For those of you who
have ever been in this situation, you understand how scary this can be. However,
herein is the essential element of this story, Nehemiah was not doing this for
himself. His heart was burdened for a people, a cause, a purpose, and his cause
aligned properly with God’s will.
In chapter two, we find that
God prepared the way with the king to release Nehemiah for a time to go to
survey the situation and to rebuild the walls. Nehemiah faced people who were
positive and those who were negative critics of the plan to rebuild the wall.
Nehemiah 2:20 records the words of this prophet, “The God of heaven is the One
who will grant us success. We, His servants, will start building, but you have
no share, right, or historic claim in Jerusalem” [HCSB]. The naysayers did not
dissuade Nehemiah, but even more, he was determined to work for the betterment
of the nation of Israel. Nehemiah was certain that God would give him success
and God was to receive the praise and glory for the success. Nehemiah was doing
this for the betterment of others and not for himself.
Third, I believe Scripture
teaches that a Christian is permitted and even obligated to pray for his
success when his success would advance the cause of Christ. It is the
realization of the brevity of life and the grand scheme of God’s plan that
causes one to spend their life working to advance the cause of Christ that “a
later generation, and a newly created people will praise the LORD” [Psalm
102:18], or as another translation puts it, that “a future generation, that a
people not yet created may praise the LORD” [NIV]. Most of the fruit from our labor
will not be realized in this life. We will not fully understand the full
picture of what God is doing until eternity, but God offers us a part and He
grants our success when we are working to advance His kingdom.
What is it that you need to
ask God to grant success for today? Be bold and ask Him. Pour your heart out
for your success, just make sure you are humble and your focus and motives are
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